Madison Barton has been taking voice lessons since Kindergarten. Madison sang with the Oregon Children’s Choir for eight years as well as the A Capella choir and Windjammers show choir at Lake Oswego High School. She was also a member of the choir at BYU-Hawaii. Some highlights of her signing experiences are singing a solo in Warsaw for the Cardinal-Archbishop of Poland; performing with the Honors Choir at Carnegie Hall in New York City; she sang Benidictus as a solo at Chartres Cathedral and Mount Saint Michael Abby in France, where she toured with her choir; singing the National Anthem at a Portland Trailblazer game when she was 11 years old. A more recent singing adventure was when she toured with OCCYC and had the privilege of singing at St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican in Rome as well as several other cathedrals throughout Italy. In 2009 she went to the studio for the first time and recorded three songs and in December 2011 she completed her first Christmas CD. In November she released her first album for purchase called “Improve the Shining Moments,” a collection of hymns that she arranged. Madison is also an accomplished pianist. She is a vocal performance major at BYU-Idaho.